At Fertile Ground Gathering, we host a wide variety of workshops that are sure to inspire. From beginner to advanced offerings, there is something for everyone! Look for details in each listing to help you choose the workshops that are right for you. With a few exceptions, preregistration is not required for our workshops, so you'll be welcome to decide each day which ones you'd like to attend.
Below is the list of the workshops we have for 2025 so far, along with links to the presenter bios.
As we get closer to the Gathering, we will update the event schedule, and add the days and times for each workshop. You will then be able to find that information in each workshop listing below as well as on the individual day's schedules.
The Power of Story: Creating Space for Divine
The Power of Story: Creating Space for Divine Guidance is an interactive experience interweaving sound healing, theatre, sacred dance, storytelling, guided meditation, and group altar building. The audience for this class will be invited to participate in a series of experiences that guide them to set down the stories they carry that no longer serve them and rewrite their connection to the divine.
Embodied Witchcraft: Energy, Enchantment, and Adornment
with Irene Glasse
Paganism and Witchcraft offer a unique spiritual form: a world-affirming spirituality that includes our bodies. When we truly approach our magical practice as a whole being, the innate wisdom deep within can speak more clearly. Learn how energy and spirituality move within the body, how to include your body in your magic and spiritual work, and ways to support a better relationship with your body.
The Voice of the Healer in Norse Tradition
with Jane Sibley
Certain chants, blessings, curses against disease, etc. were used in magical healing practice, both for man and beast, in Norwegian Tradition. Some of these have continued in use from Viking times into the 19th century and later. We will explore the various types and applications of a variety of them, as well as a few modern ones.
Runes: Elder and Anglo-Saxon futharks; Runes: the Younger
with Jane Sibley
This workshop will explore runes and their use in history. We will go into the pre-Viking period runes and their posited origin followed by runes used during the Viking into Medieval periods. Note that this is not New Age material and will include some codes.
The Amduat and the Shared Experience of Transformation
with Sophia Kelly Shultz
Each night, the Egyptian Sungod Re faces a great challenge as he travels through the hours of the night towards the sunrise: he must complete his transformation from death as an aged god, to his rebirth as Kheperi, a young god for a new day. Just as the Sungod descends to the Netherworld in order to undergo the transformation that will allow him to arise, renewed, in the morning, so does each of us, from time to time, descend to the dark places in which personal transformation occurs. Although the Amdaut (literally "what is in the Duat or netherworld") is part of the larger body of ancient Egyptian literature known as the Netherworld Books, its imagery can be interpreted to benefit the living. Those who travel with the Sungod in his "Barque of Millions" undergo the shared experience of individual transformation, often depending upon the support of others to reach their goal, so too can we travel the same path to transformation, not comparing and contrasting our feelings and experiences, but instead accepting that while no two of us is the same, and that some parts of our journey must be completed singly, we are never really alone.